All BodyTite radiofrequency liposuction procedures are performed in the operating room. The application takes approximately 3 hours. You can return home the same day after the procedure, and pain and swelling will be under control. After the application, the person can return to their daily lives the next day. The corset should be worn for 2-3 weeks according to the doctor's recommendation. Although it may take a few months for the swelling to subside completely, the effects of the slimming begin to show themselves after the first week.
Will There Be Any Scars After BodyTite?
Like other liposuction applications, this application leaves a very small scar. Approximately 1 year after the procedure, the application scar becomes almost invisible.
BodyTite Türkiye Application Areas
There are heads with different diameters and features, from 1mm to 5mm. Facetite heads are used for the face, Necktite for the neck, Selutite for cellulite, and BodyTite for the body.
General conditions in the body that need to be addressed include:
- Eliminating the problem of abdominal fat and sagging
- Eliminating the fat and sagging problem of the upper arm
- Eliminating the fat and sagging problem of the back area
- Elimination of fat and sagging problems in the waist area
- Elimination of fat and sagging problems in the thighs and hip areas
It provides highly effective care to the skin. According to scientific sources, it provides up to 45% skin repair and tightening. Recovery takes a year.
Who Can Perform the BodyTite Procedure?
Body Tite procedure can be applied to almost any part of your body. Hips, chin, waist, abdomen, back and arms are among the most preferred procedure areas. The biggest advantage of the BodyTite application is that the fats are broken down and liquefied within the tissue, making it easier to absorb during the process. In this way, it ensures that tissue of equal thickness is removed in the applied area and prevents the formation of edema or bruising. The most preferred reason for the BodyTite procedure is regional oiliness.
People who are not suitable for BodyTite:
- Those with pacemakers
- Pregnant women
- People who have had surgery within 4 months
- Diabetic patients
- Cancer patients
Thanks to the BodyTite device, on the one hand, excess tissue is absorbed, and on the other hand, after the fat tissue is absorbed, the skin is tightened with the radiofrequency method.
Which Applications Can Be Done in Combination with BodyTite?
BodyTite Liposuction, a new generation body shaping application, can now be combined safely and easily with many surgeries. Often combined with tummy tuck and breast surgery, BodyTite liposuction is also frequently combined with another body contouring procedure, Vaser liposuction. With the ultrasound energy provided by Vaser Liposuction, fats are broken down and absorbed by the body according to the patient's needs, but the application plays an active role in tightening the remaining skin.
Does BodyTite require surgery?
The application is performed in the operating room under general or local anesthesia, depending on the scope of the procedure to be performed. This practice is not appropriate in a clinical setting.
What You Need to Know About BodyTite
BodyTite application, which contains radio frequency energy, is a new generation body shaping process. BodyTite, which offers both fat removal and skin tightening, is an application that allows you to get rid of long-term permanent fat on your body. BodyTite, a skin tightening application, can be applied to many parts of the body, especially the abdomen, hips, hips and arms, thanks to radio frequency energy.
How Should I Choose Between BodyTite or Other Methods?
You can get the most detailed information on this subject from your plastic surgeon. However, it is useful to keep the following points in mind.
Can my problem be solved by just having liposuction?
The problem cannot usually be solved by simply removing fat. Excess weight creates looseness, looseness and sagging in the body, and this situation does not improve after liposuction. Therefore, the device to be applied after the selected procedure must recover the excess skin to the maximum extent. Considering the technology, Vaser melts fat, but skin tightening is minimal. The laser method melts less fat than the Vaser method, but the tightening rate is 22% on average. BodyTite melts fat, but the skin tightening rate is 43% on average.
How much skin tightening will you need after the procedure?
If no application is made to the skin after classical surgery, the recovery rate of the skin is 11%. If laser application is performed, this rate increases to 22%. The skin tightening rate with BodyTite is 43%. Three different technological devices are used in the degreasing process around the world. The procedure known as 3D liposuction is the use of these 3 technological devices together.
Will I get rid of all my problems after the procedure?
People who need to lose 20 kilos or more should be on a diet program. Before the procedure, body analysis is performed with devices. In this way, the weight lost after the procedure can be controlled as weight lost due to the procedure or due to the diet. After BodyTite, visible regional slimming occurs in a short time. People's motivation and self-confidence increase due to regional slimming, and thus they begin to lose weight faster and get in shape. After this procedure, people begin to exercise voluntarily and get their lives in order.
How and where can I get help on other issues I need?
Considering the variety of surgeries, the most requested surgery is body fat removal surgery. These surgeries are BodyTite, Vaser, Laser liposuction. After these procedures, a personalized diet program should be prepared and nutrition should be taken accordingly. Sports programs specially prepared for you, based on your personal characteristics and body structure, should be followed and the fat lost after these procedures should be protected from reoccurring. If your skin tightening is below normal, auxiliary medical devices and methods are used to help the person tighten.
What conclusion should I draw from this much information?
The information given about obesity, one of the biggest problems of our age, which can be defined by many names such as regional slimming, regional slimming, getting rid of excess weight, may create confusion. Plastic surgeons use all the devices and methods used in the most accurate way. Plastic surgeons minimize the possibility of failure in these procedures with the right equipment and program.